Monday, February 1, 2010

Answered Prayers

I know, how terribly cliche`. But I honestly have no other way to explain it. When leaving my friends house at around 3 a.m., the key to my van stuck in the tumbler, causing the car not to start, this occasionally happens but usually fixes itself within a few minutes. Well this time, it wasn't working, and after about 8 minutes of struggling, I finally took the key out and held it in my hand, closed my eyes and whispered "Please, please, please, help. Please." I breathe out and stuck the key into the ignition once again, and the car started, I nearly jumped for joy. While driving down the street, I say "Thank you, whoever 'you' are". I don't know if this was divine intervention or coincidence, but I felt pretty relieved. And left me curious whose up there, and what they think and how they choose what prayers to answer, if that is even what happened.